Time: 6:30PM
Date: 3/11/2021
Location: Professor Bowl
901 Towne Oaks Dr. ,Little Rock, AR 72227

The 10-person per gathering limit has been removed, so we will begin meeting in person once again in March. If you do not feel safe doing so or cannot make the meeting in person, we will also be streaming the meeting from Professor Bowl on Zoom:  Click here to join us on zoom!

As always, please bring homebrew to share if you’d like! We’d also appreciate it if you ordered beer and food from Professor Bowl. Dave is a gracious host and we’d like to give him as much support as we can.

This meeting is the turn-in for the March club competition. Please bring at least 2, preferably 3 bottles of your best American style Ale to the meeting to enter. If you can’t make the meeting, you can also drop off your entries at Fermentables up to noon on Friday, March 12. Please write your name and your beer’s name and style on a piece of paper, put that in a ziploc bag, and rubber band the ziploc bag to the bottle for each bottle of your entry.

Meeting Agenda: Coming soon!